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The Energise team’s summer holidays

As another year draws to a close, the Energise team are sharing what they plan to get up to in the holidays, sharing some of their favourite traditions and activities.


During the festive break, I’ll be indulging in some of my favourite holiday traditions. One of them is the classic post-Christmas-feast nap. You know, that moment when you’re so full from indulging in all the delicious dishes that moving seems nearly impossible? That’s when I’ll be claiming my spot on the couch for a well-deserved snooze. 

If I could choose any place in the world to visit during the holidays, it would undoubtedly be New York. The idea of experiencing a white Christmas in the Big Apple, with its enchanting display of fairy lights, snow-covered streets, and festive decorations, has always held a special allure for me. As for holiday movies, I can’t resist the charm of ‘The Holiday,’ featuring Cameron Diaz and Kate Winslet. Their on-screen chemistry and the feel-good, happy ending never fail to put me in the holiday spirit.


During the summer break, our family’s favourite tradition is having a delicious dinner together at our local surf club, overlooking Orewa Beach. If I could travel anywhere for the holidays, it would be the Maldives, with its dreamy villas above crystal-clear waters. 

When it comes to holiday movies, “Jumanji” is a top pick for its humour, especially Kevin Hart’s antics. Our go-to treat is indulging in pancakes topped with cinnamon, sugar, maple syrup, and lemon—a delicious family tradition. If I could have one superpower this holiday season, it would be invisibility, just for those moments of peaceful rest away from my energetic kids!


One of my favourite Christmas traditions is taking my two girls to meet Santa in person, as I know this magic has a pretty short expiry date!  Our eldest daughter, jokingly referred to as a “Santa delivery” due to her Christmas Day birth, will be 8 years old this Christmas. We added the 8th Santa photo to the mantle last week!

If I could pick a holiday destination, I’d love to be in Scotland with my in-laws, whom I rarely see while living in Aotearoa. It would be a fantastic opportunity to take the kids and hopefully experience a magical White Winter Christmas. Alternatively, I’d jet off to New York with Rosina!

For holiday movies, “Love Actually” is a must-watch for me on Christmas Eve, accompanied by a glass of bubbles as I wrap the kids’ presents. Strangely, I’ve also fallen into the tradition of watching the 3-hour version of “Avatar” every Christmas Day evening. I have no idea how this happened!


One of my cherished holiday traditions, dating back to my childhood, is attending church on Christmas day followed by a festive family lunch. Our gatherings used to include cousins, aunties, and uncles, creating a lively atmosphere. However, since our immigration, our tradition has transformed. Now, it’s all about our small family relishing lunch at our beloved beach and exchanging thoughtful gifts. 

When I imagine spending the holidays anywhere in the world, it would undoubtedly be at my parents’ house; there’s truly no place like home. As for holiday entertainment, “Home Alone” has a special place in our hearts, and it’s a delight to see our kids enjoy it as much as we did at their age. And when it comes to indulging in holiday treats, nothing beats Christmas cake in our household. 


One of my favourite holiday traditions is sitting down to a delightful Christmas breakfast. It’s that magical first meal of the day when everyone is brimming with excitement before the day’s hustle and bustle sets in.

If I could jet off to any place in the world for the holidays, it would be Estonia. Christmas there is like stepping into a fairytale, and I know my 3-year-old daughter would be absolutely enchanted. Alternatively, a tropical island where I can relax, read, nap, and swim sounds equally tempting. For holiday movie entertainment, “Love Actually” is my go-to. It’s a bit of a cliché, but I’m a sucker!


One of my absolute favourite holiday traditions is the brunch and bubbles with extended family at my sister’s house by the beach at the Mount. It’s a wonderful time of togetherness, complete with a swim and an unintentional but slightly competitive game of beach cricket. After all the fun and food, heading home for a well-earned nap is the perfect conclusion.

When it comes to holiday movies, “Polar Express” has been a staple in our family for 20 years. However, this may be its last year in action, as DVD players have become a rarity. As for holiday treats, nothing beats a good BBQ with rare steaks, chicken kebabs, lamb chops, grilled veggies, salads, and the obligatory scalloped potatoes and garlic bread.