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“Content is king” is a saying that is synonymous with marketing, especially in the digital world. Keeping your blog, social media and website regularly updated with content becomes the mantra that most businesses live by, specifically for keeping their consumers interested and up to date with services and offerings.

At Energise, we agree that content is very valuable and forms a large aspect of your overall digital activities. It may be the “king”, but it certainly isn’t everything. Without the rest of the kingdom, the king has nothing to rule – and so is true for content. If the other parts of your marketing don’t align, then your content falls down.

When considering the best ways in which to market your business, it is multi-faceted. You can write blogs til the cows come home, but if no-one is reading it, is content still king? Ensuring that your content is delivered in front of the right audiences, and the ways you go about making that happen, are deeply important to the overall success of your business.

So what else is involved?

If content is king, then a marketing plan is the kingdom.

The answer lies in crafting a thorough and effective marketing plan. An effective marketing plan is the roadmap that provides fuel for your growth and keeps you on track to achieve your business targets. It ensures that you utilise your content efficiently – after all, content shouldn’t be a one-time thing. It should be able to be utilised across several platforms, in several different ways, to a several segments of your overall audience.

What does a marketing plan involve?

Often, businesses can fall into the trap of thinking a marketing plan revolves heavily around social posting and creating regular content like blogs. While content is integral to your overall marketing activities, it only encompasses one part of any effective, multi-faceted marketing plan.

What is a marketing plan?

It’s a roadmap of several marketing elements that drive the ultimate success of your business goals.

At its base level, a good marketing plan would be be made up of;

  • Strategy – the high level ‘how’ to achieving your goals.
  • Target Market – identifies your ideal prospective client.
  • Competitive Advantage – why your ideal customers should choose you over your competitors.
  • Roadmap to Success – including social media posts, website updates, advertising and paid campaigns.
  • Success – how do you know when you have achieved your goals? What does success look like for you?

Marketing plans can seem intimidating, as there are a lot of moving parts. A recent study conducted by Content Bird discovered that 73% of companies have concentrated on content marketing strategies alone, as opposed to the bigger picture. It can be tempting to focus solely on content, but to ensure that it is seen by the right people and shared intentionally across various digital platforms, you need to take a proactive approach.

At Energise we know how to write marketing plans that help your business grow, compete and achieve on your terms. Our downloadable step-by-step guide provides an excellent framework for you to kick start your marketing plan for next year. Download your copy for free, via the link below.

Complimentary Marketing Plan