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Summer holidays this year are looking a little different than previous. Enjoying “our own backyard” is the new normal, and while New Zealand outdoor adventures are synonymous with summer, everyone needs a little rest and relaxation too!

The Energise team have shared their top picks for their favourite summer adventures, books, Netflix series and playlists. Take a look below and see if there is anything that resonates for when you’re done with the beach and ready for a little “me time”!

Rosina Webb | Energise MarketingRosina

Founder and Brand Director

When on holiday, I relax by reading, beaching, and cooking stuff I don’t get the chance to do as part of the daily normal grind! The book I’m most looking forward to getting stuck into this summer is ‘Atlas of the Heart’ by Brene Brown.

My ideal holiday getaway would be Hawaii (alas, unsure I can swim that far!) so in stead I will settle for Waiheke this year – and while I’m on the ferry, I’ll be listening to any song on Adele’s 30 album. Love her!

Hailey Rodget | Energise Marketing AgencyHailey

Digital Content Specialist

This summer we’ve decided to not go too far afield, so my husband and I have a list of DIY tasks to complete. Doesn’t sound very relaxing does it, but we’ll be happy once they’re all done! Something tells me he’ll be conducting 80% of operations while I enjoy my favourite summer cocktail – Pimms with cucumber, strawberry and mint (plus lots of ice, obviously).

When we’re not brazenly launching a sledgehammer into any of our poor walls, we’ll plan our annual trip away to Hanmer Springs. It’s the perfect amount of driving time away from the city with 2 kids in tow. If I am graced with any semblance of quiet time during my holiday (always tricky with a 3 and 5 year old), I like to read or watch light-hearted, comedic content. So something like Ricky Gervais’ After Life on Netflix (which isn’t exactly “light”, but brilliant nonetheless), or a trashy Marian Keyes novel usually goes down well!

Ashton Hoffman | Energise Digital MarketingAshton

Digital Media Specialist

I am looking forward to spending time together with my family at the beach! AND playing a game of golf! I’m an active relaxer, so I make a list of things to do and then try to tick them off as I go. From gardening to days at the beach, to spring cleaning! It changes all the time!

When it comes to Netflix and TV, my husband has a list of movies we are set to watch… I have no idea what they are, but I am sure I will enjoy them! We will also be heading to Taupo this summer, which is a favourite getaway of ours – and while on the road I like to listen to a little house lounge music!

Holly Morgan | Energise MarketingHolly

Social Media Specialist

I have big plans for summer after the long lockdown here in Auckland, and I can’t wait to see friends, attend festivals and concerts, and be with my extended family outside of Auckland. I’ll definitely be making an appearance in Tauranga, to see my family and of course to enjoy the beauty that The Mount has to offer!

When it comes to relaxing, I have to be somewhere in the sun with a cooling and refreshing beverage and a good podcast in ear – my all time favourite is the Shameless podcast. For entertainment, I’ve just seen that the new Money Heist season is out on Netflix – which is the most addicting series I’ve ever watched. So I will definitely need to find the time to watch this over my summer break.

Rene du Preez | Energise MarketingRene

Digital Marketing Specialist

For me, spending time with family and friends is the number one thing I’m looking forward to this summer. We all have so many things requiring our attention all year, that this time of year just being together doing nothing or going on adventures is really a treat I am excited for.

I like spending a couple of days just lounging around the house, watching movies, doing some yard work or baking. Then once we all feel rested, and the kids start getting ants in their pants we’ll go out and about. My hubby and I like exploring so we’ll pack a lunch and head out with the kids. We normally don’t plan too far ahead, with only a vague idea of where we want to go. Very likely we’ll end up doing some hiking or off-roading, and of course take lots of pictures, which is one of my favourite hobbies. We also like to find eateries that offer something different and we haven’t been to before.

I’m looking forward to reading ‘Skin’ by Ted Dekker. He’s a bit of a horror writer. I found him once I’d finished all the Stephen King books!