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Negative comments on social media are inevitable; it’s how you handle them that makes the difference.

One of the great pitfalls of social media from a business owner’s perspective is the lack of control. While there are many ways to get the best out of social media for you business and you call the shots on what you post, you can’t control how people will respond.  You also have no say on what others chose to post on their profiles about your goods and services.

In an ideal world you will only have positive feedback about your goods and services online but in reality, not everyone will like what you do and that can come down to something as simple as a bad day (which even the best of us have) or individual tastes, not everything will appeal to or please everyone.

You may have missed it but this week, an Auckland based café was involved in a social media feud with an Instagram user who has gained notoriety lately for his outré and often outrageous food reviews.

The Instagram user was not satisfied with his meal and expressed his opinion in a post to his thousands of followers.  The café responded and it quickly escalated into a back in forth with other Instagram users picking sides and chiming in.

One of the most important aspects of customer service (in particular in the digital world) is to resolve any customer complaints quickly.  This is one of the reasons why it is so important to monitor your business social media accounts. The instant nature of the online world means that one day, or sometimes even one hour is a very long time for a negative comment to sit there unaddressed.

However, it is important to do this with an even temper and a clear head.  Although negative feedback (particularly online where it is there for everyone to see) can feel like a personal attack, don’t take it to heart.  Respond quickly, professionally and if possible, take the conversation offline for resolution so it is not played out in the public arena.

If the thought of managing negative comments on social media is too overwhelming for you, remember, a good digital marketing consultant who is briefed on your brand and product or service is an ideal solution.  Discuss your social media needs with us.