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Not all content is created equal, and not all content is good content.

Content, content, content – it feels a bit like location, location, location in terms of importance in the world of Digital Marketing. But what makes good content? Or bad? We are using content widely to tell our brand, service and business stories across websites, blogs, social media and pretty much everywhere – so how do we make it good? And more importantly, how does good content benefit our businesses? We’re here to advise a few top tips to help you develop engaging and authentic content that will have your target customer coming back for more.

Know your target audience

Really know them – what makes them tick and what ticks them off. The importance of this is often overlooked, and as business owner, you can get caught up in the day to day detail and forget to check in with where your target customer is at now. Not sure what your customers want or care about? Ask them. Use a simple online survey or better yet, ask a handy marketing consultant to help you talk discreetly with and gather insights in an unbiased way from your key customers. Often business owners think they are also the target audience, or really do know them well, so don’t need to bother asking. The results are often surprising. If you are too busy working in your business, to work on your business – then external marketing assistance is easily on hand to help do this for you. It is cost effective, fast and the results will speak for themselves. Contact us to find out how we can handle it all for you.

Be real

Don’t be overtly, sell sell sell – people will see through it. Be engaging and real. Write as if you were advising your best mate – he or she would quickly spot the BS. People want to relate with real people not corporate or hard out sales messaging. Its also easy to get tied up in needing to write the perfect blog, website copy or e-newsletter, when really just creating something concise and honest is enough and way more interesting. It doesn’t have to be perfect, but it does need to be genuine.

It’s not all about you

Don’t make your content all about you, your business or your brand – you will turn off the people you are trying to draw in. Write content that is relevant and meaningful to your target market and you will have them returning for more. Discuss and debate key issues surrounding your business area, focus on what is likely to be top of mind for your customer. Be personable and authentic – write as if you are speaking directly one on one with your most valued customer, sharing insights on what they want and need.

Less is more

More isn’t necessarily better. Don’t write content for content’s sake – or just anything for no reason. Content fatigue is real and you will lose the interest of those you are trying to engage if you barrage them with too much irrelevant communication or meaningless copy.

Be effective

To engage and interest your target audience, content needs to achieve something and not just be about sharing info or insights. It pays to link into your overall brand or business objective, and the key messages you want to communicate, and keep these in mind when developing content. Make sure content has one THINK and one DO. It must encourage the reader to 1. Think about one thing in a new way, and 2. Encourage them to do something new. The ‘Do” is the ‘call to action’ and don’t necessarily leave it to the end to ask for action i.e. click here to hear more about x, or receive an exclusive discount by signing up here.

Have a plan

We can’t stress this one enough – have a content plan, ensure that it reflects your overall marketing strategy, brand and plan – communicate your events, latest releases, new products as they relate to your marketing plan, share seasonal updates and progress as they occur. Respond with topical insights and/or humour in relation to what is impacting your target audience now. It doesn’t have to be rigidly stuck to, but it will give your brand consistency as well as confidence and direction to write to if you need to each week or month.

Don’t go key words crazy

Don’t write content with just SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) in mind, keep repetitive key words away from the main purpose of the content you are writing, as it will take away its authenticity. Write naturally, with purpose around your topic, and your keywords will come through.

In summary

Relevant, helpful and meaningful content will increase your digital reach; engage more of your desired target customers, increase in-bound traffic to your website and ultimately increase your brand awareness and sales leads.

If, as a business owner, developing engaging content and entering the world of Digital Marketing feels too hard, a good Marketing Consultant that is briefed on your brand/product or service will easily be able to take your insights and ‘voice’ to write content for you, within a comprehensive Digital Marketing Action Plan.