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Polished by MJP

“Consistency = success – when you’re consistent you are practising more, you’re getting better at something and therefore will become successful in it.”

~ Melissa Prendergast, Owner of Polished by MJP

SHE Shares: Polished | Energise Marketing

Polished by MJP is owned and run by the artistic trailblazer, Melissa Prendergast. 

Nail Art | Energise Marketing

An amazing mother of two, NZ local business owner and an inspiration for all women entrepreneurs out there. Her talent and authenticity has attracted a large growing and engaged following on social media with fellow nail enthusiasts, influencers and some awesome NZ brands.

Mel is an internationally qualified Beauty Therapist and Nail Technician, a self-proclaimed ‘tiny canvas enthusiast’ – with her close-knit team of three, she has experience in working a small business from the ground up. She sits down with us today to share those bite size pieces of advice with you all. Keep reading to find out her go-to business app, lockdown tips, and her favourite women in business inspirations!

What has been your biggest challenge starting your own business as a woman?

Not so much being a woman as such – but more being a mother, it would have to be time management and the responsibilities that comewith running a small business as well as being a full time mother.  I guess that would be time management in general (lol), making sure I’ve allocated time evenly for all things business related but also putting that time aside to run my household and spend quality time with my family. I do know one will always take over the other but if I follow some sort of a routine, this helps me to keep everything balanced! (I’m also a Libra, so a balance life is very NEEDED) 

@PolishedByMJP | Energise Marketing

What have you learnt as a business owner from experiencing this pandemic and lock down?

Being prepared is key. Honestly, I feel like this is ‘Owning a Business 101’ but it was a completely different ball game when we entered this new world of lockdowns. Obviously having plans in place for all aspects of your life is necessary but as a business owner it is absolutely crucial! 

The second lesson I learnt from this pandemic/lockdown is around attitude, to grow through this space you need to be able to accept it, take in and process all your negative thoughts, then you need to turn your mindset to how can we make the most of this situation finding a positive and running with that – positivity is the key to coming out the other side. 

Lastly, remembering how amazing human beings can be! The support we have received throughout this time from our online family, clients, and business associates is incredible; and if that isn’t something to hold onto I don’t know what is!


What is your number one must have in your business toolkit to remain ahead of the pack ?

Omg, only one?! This is super hard to narrow down, but if we are specifically talking about “tools” I would have to say my scheduling apps for social media, I run a lot of @PolishedByMJP on my own so that would have to be my all time favourite. It’s saved me so much time! I specifically recommend Planoly for all my small business owners out there.

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What’s the best business advice you can give to women in business who are looking at starting their own business?

PLANNING AND CONSISTENCY! I can’t say it enough, it’s a common theme in all my answers throughout this interview! Having a plan for the entirety of your business but then breaking it down, to find out the crucial areas that you will need to be consistent in, eg:

  • How much money do you want to make? 
  • How will you get there? 
  • Who will help you achieve this? 
  • How can you manage your time best?
  • What do you want your business to look like and represent?

Plan every day, every dollar and every STEP!

I wrote this in one of my social media classes the other day but it also reflects on business too:

“Consistency = success – when you’re consistent you are practising more, you’re getting better at something and therefore will become successful in it.”


Are there any women in business or icons that you draw inspiration from?

ABSOLUTELY, there are so many! 

If I had to narrow down my all time faves who have been huge inspiration to me, it would have to be the amazing Ashley, who is a NZ local business owner running @Society in Grey Lynn. We actually worked together years ago and have remained friends over the years, Ashley has created a space that inspires many! Her drive and creative outlook has always been something I’ve drawn inspiration from right back when I started Polished by MJP. 

Across the ocean, I would have to say Katie, owner of @NailThoughts in California. She’s next level talented when it comes to nail tech/entrepreneurs. If you’re in the nail world you know exactly who she is, her creativity is unmatched. I absolutely live for her gram and take inspiration from her passion and drive for the art!
