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As a women driven business, we know that being a woman in business is not always easy.  In fact, a new report released by Mastercard Index of Women Entrepreneurs 2020 has shown that Covid-19’s negative impacts have had a disproportionate effect on women.

Both Energise and our sister company, SME School believe in the quote “We rise by lifting others” so we asked the Energise team to share their best advice for women in business.


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Rosina Webb – Founder and Brand Director

I have two pieces of advice I’d like to share.  The first was given to me by my first business mentor and it has turned out to be incredibly valuable:

  1. Playing small does not serve anyone – least of all you. Often we think we need to shrink so that others around us won’t feel insecure. DON’T. When we feel confident and secure in our own power we give others permission to do the same.
  2. Be purposeful – have an attitude and an opinion about something that matters to you and don’t be afraid to share it. Diversity is what makes the world go round
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Holly Morgan – Social Media Specialist

If you play small, you stay small!

Don’t let those who don’t take you seriously keep you from taking on all the world has to offer. 


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Hailey Rodger, Digital Content Specialist

One of the best pieces of advice I’ve been given by another woman in business, is to not be afraid of “the F word”. Feedback!

It can be scary, but feedback is critical to validate your business and your work. Think of it as research and analysis – it’s a great way to understand what clients or customers want and expect, and how to provide that for them. Through this process you can also determine additional holes in the market or industry which you can then fill; strengthening your client relationships and overall business.

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 Justine Chang – Content and Administration Manager

Never be afraid to ask for help or advice.

Use both your real life and virtual networks to find the answers you need.  Most of the time, you’ll be able to find someone who has had your problem, knows how to solve it and is more than happy to help.


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Mel Semmens – Marketing Manager

Back Yourself!  One of the best pieces of advice I have been given is to always back yourself.  Quite often as women,we naturally doubt our decisions or over internalise things.

However, a previous boss once asked me, “What is the worst thing that can happen if you make the wrong decision?”  And I couldn’t answer.  Most often we re-evaluate/learn and move on and when we have the confidence in ourselves to know when we have been right, and sometimes when we have gotten it wrong can be a very powerful skill.

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Ashton Hoffman – Digital Media Specialist

The world needs STRONG women. 

Women who BUILD each other up.

Who will LOVE and be LOVED.

Women who LIVE BRAVELY, 


Women of unsurpassing WILL.

Do you have any advice you’d like to share?  We’d love to hear from you.  Contact us or get in touch on our social channels – Facebook, LinkedIn or Instagram.