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The client

Agvance Nutrition, a valued, long-standing partner of Energise, has been on a remarkable journey of brand growth and development over the past few years. As their trusted marketing agency, our mission at Energise was to provide a fresh perspective on their marketing strategy, aligning it with the new chapter of their brand.

Agvance new branding advertising 2023
Agvance branding advertising 2019-2022

The Energise approach

Recognising Agvance’s establishment as frontrunners in their industry, with a brand that resonates deeply with their core audience, we knew it was time to transition from the initial brand establishment phase. In the past, our focus was on brand recognition, often laced with a touch of audience-specific humour.


Our strategic pivot involved delving deeper, concentrating on the authentic core values and essential messages Agvance desired to convey to their clientele. In close collaboration with the Agvance team, we distilled these messages into three pillars:

  • A Kiwi Family Business: A testament to their roots and commitment to local communities.
  • Scientifically Formulated Products: Highlighting their dedication to cutting-edge innovation.
  • Decades of Farming Expertise – Since 1987: Emphasising their rich history and experience in the agricultural sector.


Our next step was to craft a calendar tailored to their core products for each seasonal time of the year. Given Agvance’s agricultural focus, this seasonal approach was paramount. It was imperative to our client that we maintain this seasonal emphasis while seamlessly integrating the brand’s core messaging.

What we achieved

Energise embarked on the journey of creating distinct brand advertisements for each key season, along with a versatile year-round brand campaign. Each seasonal ad retains a consistent design, skillfully weaving in the seasonal message while staying true to the brand’s fundamental messaging. This approach ensures Agvance’s message resonates strongly with their audience, no matter the time of year.