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If you haven’t already, now is the time to ensure your business is prepared for 2020.  Make sure your brand stays fresh and relevant by keeping abreast of the branding trends that will have the biggest impact.

While there are many branding trends that are popular, here I’ve picked 4 that will have the biggest positive influence on your brand if you get them right.

Customer experience

Customer experience has been increasing in importance over the past couple of years but 2020 will be the year of the customer.

Recently, there has been a shift in thinking about what marketing actually is.  Growth in online content has given consumers easier access to information and more power. Marketing is no longer simply providing information on your product and service, you have to offer something more.

The best way to do this is through excellent customer experience (CX in marketing buzzwords). CX must be built into every aspect of your marketing strategy from customer service to brand image.  This holistic view produces outstanding customer experiences that keep your current customers coming back for more and help you attract new ones.

The continued blurring of offline and online marketing

Technology continues apace with big progress being made in areas including voice search, AI-based automation, 3D printing and the internet of things.

The question in marketing is no longer “Should I include digital marketing in my marketing strategy?”, but “How can I integrate online and traditional marketing channels to produce the best experience for my customer?”

Digital and traditional marketing continue to blur as marketers integrate channels to offer a seamless customer experience.  This could be something as simple as a website address on a print ad. Or a more strategic approach that takes key brand messages and rolls these out over TV, radio social media and online advertising to ensure continuity of messaging.

Business with a social conscience

In today’s society, everyone is more aware of issues big and small.  Consumers are passionate about causes ranging from the environment to diversification and worker’s rights.  They see the brands they buy as a statement of their personal beliefs and expect businesses to share their values and do their part to create a better future for everyone.

To create a brand that resonates, you must make sure your business has a purpose that isn’t profit based.  Consider your purpose carefully – you can’t pick the latest trendy cause and jump on the bandwagon.  Today’s savvy consumers will see right through that.  Instead, look back to the reason why the founder started the company.  What need did they see?  What problem were they trying to solve?  Tie this back to your local community and get involved with events and causes that relate to your brand’s driving force.


Sustainability was a huge 2019 trend in New Zealand with the ban on single-use plastic shopping bags and climate change increasing in importance.  It will continue to have significant impacts on businesses as consumers keep demanding improvements to stop climate change and protect the environment.

Minimising your negative impact on the environment is no longer a nice to have – it’s expected that brands consider everything from packaging to their production process and how this affects the world.

Brands that are proactive with their sustainability efforts will come out on top in 2020.


Customers have higher expectations of brands than ever before.  To ensure your brand comes out on top in 2020, make sure your customer is at the heart of your marketing strategy.  Ask yourself these key questions whenever you plan a marketing activity:

  • How does our customer experience rate?
  • Am I making sure my online and offline marketing channels are aligned?
  • What statement does our brand make?
  • How can we minimise our environmental impact?

Now that you know the hottest branding trends for 2020,  you may be wondering how you’re going to find the time to bring them to life as well as work on all the other parts of your business that demand your attention every day.  This is where we can help you. Let us take the pain out of the marketing process by being your complete marketing solution.  Contact us to find out how we can help you achieve your business goals.

NB: This article was published in the EMA “BusinessPlus” magazine. Enterprises of all types and sizes join the Employers and Manufacturers Association, for opportunities to learn and grow, make valuable business connections and change the world. EMA provides its members with professional advice and training to succeed in many aspects of business.