With developments happening so quickly, one of the most important things you can do for your company is to stay in regular contact with your customers to keep them in the loop of any developments on how you do business.
Like all of you, we here at Energise are adjusting to the new reality of life in New Zealand for the next month and trying to see the way forward. There is a lot of information out there right now. Do you know if your Covid-19 messages are getting through?
To help you do that, here are our top 5 tips on how to make sure your Covid-19 messages are getting through:
- Don’t over communicate. Choose when you need to send an update to your database. Too many contact points in these times could mean a higher unsubscribe rate than usual.
- Be transparent. Make sure your messages are clear, honest and personable whilst being true to your brand. If being steady and reliable are key brand traits, then ensure these come through in all your messaging.
- Be helpful. Instead of copying and pasting the latest but very lengthy advice from the Ministry of Health, just insert links. As an example ‘the latest health advice can be found here.’
- Retention is your focus / A-game. Now is not really the time to sell. Focus on keeping your loyal customers informed. Don’t just tell them what you and your team are busily doing to navigate these ever-changing times but offer something of value that can help them right now. This can be a checklist, perhaps a link to an informative article, or publish a Q&A guide.
- Review your existing online communication. Make sure anything you have pre planned digitally is still relevant and aligned with the current situation. For instance, most companies schedule their social media messages well in advance. Take the time to review these and make sure you don’t have any call-to-actions that may ask people to ‘come to your office, meet you in person or at an event’. This is a good time to review and reset your digital approach.
Lastly, focus on serving your customers through digital channels
Now is the time to make sure your digital footprint is in good shape. Your customers are already on social media, but these days, they are likely checking in much more frequently. Positive and proactive content will help take people’s minds off the panic. So, consider increasing your posting frequency to ensure you’re showing up in news feeds. Start to experiment now so you create and maintain a strong digital awareness.
Stay safe and look after your loved ones. And remember, we’re here to help – get in touch if you need help with your COVID-19 messages or your digital marketing needs.