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During Covid-19, lockdown restrictions and their implications have been changing rapidly. Most businesses have increased their communications to keep their customers informed, all with varying degrees of success.  Some companies have managed to navigate the crisis expertly, with messaging that is true to their brand and genuinely helpful to their customers.  Others have fallen woefully short of the mark.

One of the best ways to ensure your messaging hits the mark is to make sure your brand values shine through in everything you do.  Your brand values are one of the most important foundations of your business.  They influence everything from your staff behaviour to the type of language and tone of voice used in your communications.

Customers are more likely to purchase from and form loyal relationships with brands they identify with. So with this in mind, here are my top tips to make sure your messaging is on brand every time.

Don’t capitalise on a bad situation

At the start of lockdown, I got an update from a law firm I had dealt with once before.  After outlining changes to their work practices, they recommended creating or reviewing your will in a long, text heavy sales spiel.  This was extremely tone deaf at a time when many were worried for the health and lives of their loved ones.

Lesson: Be helpful and on brand with your communications.  Give your customers the information they need without trying to on sell and capitalise on a crisis.

Talk to your customers appropriately

Your customer database contains many different types of people.  There are loyal advocates, those just getting to know you and many in between.  The same messaging is not appropriate for everyone.  You can’t speak intimately to a customer who has a new or casual relationship with your business.  Best case scenario they will ignore you, worst case, they will take offense and cut ties prematurely.

Lesson: Segment your database and send customised messages to your customers.

Ensure your actions are true to your brand values

One of the best examples of staying true to brand values during Covid-19 has been AMI Insurance.  In 2019 they launched an advertising campaign centred around showing kindness.  They’ve stepped up and reinforced their kindness positioning by handing over their TVC and social media ad space to Kiwis who want to send messages of kindness and thanks around NZ.

Lesson: Taking up a random cause or position will not resonate with your customers.  Ensure any initiatives you champion relate back to your brand values so they make sense and reinforce your positioning.

How to stay on brand with your messaging

Your brand values are what make your business stand out from the crowd.  These days, almost anyone can start a business but your brand values are what will help you last the distance.  They are the distillation of your purpose, vision and mission and you need to ensure they are present every time you speak to your customers.

If you’re not sure whether your brand values are coming through in your marketing efforts, this is where a good marketing consultant can help.  Contact us here at Energise to find out how we can help.