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In September 2016, in conjunction with Creative Agency Secrets and Pure Productions, Energise hosted the third in its Big Growth and Gain Breakfast Seminar Series.

As a reminder, our breakfast line up was:

  • Rosina Webb (Director, Energise) – Trying to be everything to everyone and struggling to find loyal customers?  Rarely will your business be relevant for ‘everyone’. Rosina profiles a range of effective and practical tips to help you to position and promote your business to the most relevant customers…with the right products and services….for the return on investment you deserve.


  • Rebecca Caroe (CEO, Creative Agency Secrets) – Rebecca takes you through 8 tactics for local marketing success, showing you how to increase your profit by expanding your use of digital assets:
    • Customer touchpoints
    • Personalising the customer journey
    • New partnerships/new ecosystems driven through local marketing


  • Jamie McKenzie (Producer/Director, Pure Productions) – Jamie demonstrates how to use video content to increase leads, provide greater revenue and most importantly to build a powerful brand that is engaging, emotionally charged and loved by your customers.


Make sure you don’t miss out on the other installments in the Big Growth and Gain series, Creating an Automatic Customer and Build Your Brand, Grow Your Customers.